How gorgeous are Spring and Summer? I used to get progressively grumpier and grumpier as we headed into Winter, long dark days and the cold which gets into my bones. Yoga this year has really saved me, in more ways than one.
This post isn’t about the weather, idle chatter isn’t what I’m about. Down and dirty is my thing. Lets talk about poop, more to the point , lets talk about a Spring clean for your insides.
I’m a bit of a hippy, I’ve been vegetarian for almost my whole life, sometimes vegan and a couple of stints as a pescatarian. I buy as much organic fruit and veg as possible, eat limited amounts of processed food. My 10 year old son is the one meat eater in the house at the moment. My 2 1/2 year old has decided no meat at this stage too. Sometimes I can be found doing a juice fast.
Even with a healthy, active lifestyle sometimes you can still be full of shit! When I am eating wheat and dairy I get bloated and uncomfortable.
So, I decided to try colonic irrigation! Explaining to my Mum that I was going to do this was hilarious, her facial expression. Priceless.
If you have ever wondered what it is like, keep reading. Otherwise see you next Wednesday!
I emailed the clinic and made an appointment the lady told me no heavy foods the couple of days before, nothing to eat the day of, just water, lots of water.
On arrival I am asked to fill in a form with any health concerns, medications and what my diet is like.
I’m then taken into a large bathroom with the huge colonic machine. She demonstrates how to sit and says “we take off everything from waist down, apply lubricant to the tip and pop it into the anus, not too deep, you will know when it’s in properly”. I’m a bit of a big kid and even though I take my health seriously I try not to laugh at the absurdity of the situation. She tells me that the temperature is set to around 40 degrees, when it reaches the temperature you dial it back to around 22. I’m told to “take as much water in as possible”. My body apparently would know when to gently push it out.
Well, she left me to deal with the Spring Clean, There was a TV with a health documentary playing. During the colonic there is no smell and no mess, it all goes down a big chute, through a glass tube.
There was a little cramping and the lady had a wheat bag ready just incase. To be honest I thought there would be a lot more coming out, I was informed that it was most likely due to a vegetarian diet, meat eaters get the most apparently.
There was a bell if there was a problem and the woman did pop in half way to check if everything was OK.
Immediately after the experience you are given a probiotic and are encouraged to take some for the next few days.
I was a fan. My stomach felt flatter and less bloated, my digestion was improved. Let me give you a tip, DO NOT drink alcohol in the next few days! Let’s just say me and the loo were close buddies.
It’s not something I want to do all the time, so I manage digestion other ways. I really enjoy kimchi and have found the ‘Gut Health’ brand so very tasty. It is made here in SA, I grab mine from the Wayville Showgrounds Produce Market on a Sunday. They have a Facebook page.
I had IBS growing up and it isn’t until I go completely organic and vegan that I 100% don’t have symptoms. When those symptoms pop up I use DIGIZE . DIGIZE is another oil I can’t stop raving about. I rub it on my tummy and pop a couple of drops in some water and drink it. Instant relief of bloating, indigestion and gas. Having my gall bladder removed means my body doesn’t digest fat very well. Over the years I tried peppermint tea and found it gave a little relief, but nothing compared to Young Living peppermint oil. The peppermint oil is an essential everyday oil to have handy. Great for bad breath, nausea, headache. It is super concentrated and 1 drop is all you need.
YAY! My husband is one lucky man, a less farty wife is a happy wife.
As with all my sharing around essential oils, taking them orally is a personal choice. I am not a health care professional, just a Mum, who has found something that has eliminated a need for chemicals and traditional medicines. Young Living essential oils are one of the purest and strongest available.
This is where I ask if you have any questions? any questions? hehe
Much Love,
Just Wingin it
Diffusing : Clarity
Wearing : Sensation
Listening to : My husband talk Transformers upstairs.
- You can purchase essential oils through me, I receive a small commission, this along with my blog is my job and my joy.
Caitlin | Twist of Cait says
I have a question, does it hurt during the erm um, entering process?
Jazz says
It’s a tiny little tube, lube is provided..It doesn’t hurt, just feels a bit weird