Titties!! I have been a big busted woman since early teens, I remember my first ‘trainer bra’
it clipped at the front was beige shiny material of two small triangles. That bra lasted about 5 minutes. Then I actually needed support. I vaguely recall what it was like to be a 12D in the first year of High School. Now I dream of such a ‘small’ size..haha!
It was embarrassing and awkward to be so busty at such a young age. Boys and girls alike gave me a hard time. I lived in baggy tops and jumpers.
Mum bought me sensible bras and some hand me downs from friends and relatives. Nan gave me some sexy black lace push ups when I was age 14. I nearly passed out from the embarrassment. She said “watch out, you’ll have men lined up”, Nan wasn’t the typical nan. She also gave me a lace teddy and nightie and said “Don’t show your Mother”. Terrible now, weird and funny then.
Fast forward about 10 years and I had gotten married, had a child and my boobs remained pretty firm and perky (ish), then the second, third and finally fourth child. With each pregnancy I breastfed for various lengths of time, but one thing happened each time, they got bigger and bigger and bigger. I’m currently a 14 -16 G/H!! Whoppers as my Mum would say, hehe.
Unfortunately or as my husband would say fortunately, no matter my weight, how much I exercise I still remain a woman with ample bosoms. Nan was right by the way, men throughout my life have been obsessed with my breasts. You would think I would find that either awful or wonderful, but it’s probably just like how a girl with ringlets always has people comment on her hair. I don’t really care, or think about it, except now writing this I am laughing. Boob men!! You guys.
For years I toyed with the idea of a breast reduction, I had researched surgeons, looked at hundreds of before and after shots, picking out the best boobs I could buy. My poor husband was subjected to looking at all these pictures too. What a chore, right?! haha. Then I had a good chat to myself and decided surgery for vanity wasn’t my cup of tea. I am not opposed to vanity surgery for others, or people in pain from the weight of their breasts. I just can’t justify the expense or stand the idea of cutting up a perfectly healthy body, because it’s not as pretty as it could be. I don’t have any pain from being top heavy.
My boobs have lost their firmness these days and finding a bra that fits and looks amazing is almost impossible, or at least I thought so til recently. All the other bras I had kind of pushed my boobs to the sides and under my arm pits, ugh.
Then I discovered the boob whisperer, the titty magician, Sue from Buxom Envy. Sue has years of experience in finding the right bra to make you feel amazing! Buxom Envy is open by appointment only to assure privacy and to make sure you’re not interrupted by other customers. Private 1 on 1 fittings, gorgeous surroundings and pretty much guaranteed to have a bra to fit if you have a small back with big cup (like me!) or bigger all over. If they don’t have the perfect bra in stock (there is loads of stock!) then the Buxom Envy team can order it in for you. They can fit up to a size 24, they have over 160 different cup sizes!
Below are some photos of the gorgeous bras I have from Buxom Envy and a few comparisons from my old bras. I know what I prefer. ( Buxom envy in bold various department stores)
Sculptress bra from Panache – Fitted at Buxom Envy
moulded cup from Panache – Fitted at Buxom Envy
You’re probably wondering about matching undies and shape wear right? Buxom Envy have gorgeous undies to match most bras. They also have ‘the body wrap’. The body wrap is shape wear that doesn’t feel like shape wear. No digging in, not breaking a rib but the most amazing smoothing effect. What I love the most is no back fat! It smooths out the bumps because these undies tuck under the bra line. I can wear these pants all day, eat, move and most importantly breathe! Yay, shape wear I love not loathe.
This is my “ohhh they look so small” haha. They stretch, a lot! Sizes S-XXXL
I like to look as good on the outside as I feel on the inside. It’s amazing how the right underwear can make you feel more confident and clothes fit better.
I thought that bras from Buxom Envy would cost a fortune, but they are actually cheaper than the bras I was wearing from Simone Perele. Most are under $100. Let’s be honest, we really only wear a few of our most awesome/comfy ones, the rest are shoved in a drawer. It’s worth investing in yourself and being properly fitted. A lot of women have been fitted incorrectly, often because the store you buy from doesn’t have the right sizes. No one wants to be uncomfortable, you don’t have to have straps digging into your shoulders just because you have heavy breasts. You also don’t have to compromise on style, whether you like plain, pretty, lace, longline or sexy.
Tell your partner, parents or kids that Buxom Envy do gift vouchers and book yourself a 45 minute private bra fitting and grab a new bra and take those fabulous breasts into the New Year.
https://www.facebook.com/pg/BuxomEnvy/about/?ref=page_internal – Facebook
http://www.buxomenvy.com/ – Webpage
Much Love and squishy boob hugs,
Jazz – Just Wingin it
*Body wrap was gifted, bras were paid in full, I just can’t help but endorse such a wonderful business*
Thanks for the review. I was lucky enough to go to buxom envy at the end of November when i was in Adelaide for fun. It was such a positive experience and the bras were fabulous