HELLO FEBRUARY!! Geez Xmas was a whirlwind, January zipped on by, 2 of my children had birthdays and now we have Febbers...The month of LOVE...That is if you are a big old fat sucker for romance like me? I think I heard some groans, or clicks away from my blog? hrmmm. I think deep deep down we all love a little romance. I joke that I'm about 10 years away from Mills and Boon novels, like there is some special age, where we are ready to . . .
Styling a Monochrome kids bedroom (aka where did Holly Hobby go?)
I still remember my first decorated bedroom as a child. I think I was around age 4. Mum and Dad had bought some wonderful Holly Hobby wallpaper and matching quilt. I loved it so much, so much that it has always stayed with me, when I see the print I get a huge smile on my face. I also remember fondly prints of alley cats with big eyes ! Very 1970's. Four children of my own later, we have had all sorts of rooms, lemon, bright yellow, grey, . . .